Branding OUr region
A number of local entities are working to define 417-land’s brand. Biz 417 spoke with two of them to find out why that’s good for the business community.
Regionalism nonprofit LORE has 13 southwest Missouri CEOs as initial members
CEOs from the Springfield metro area are banding together to promote the southwest Missouri economy on a regional level
A Shared Vision for Our Region
LORE brings business and community leaders from Southwest Missouri together to develop a collective vision for the region’s future.

Our Members

Our Areas of Focus

The Ozarks is a place where workers and businesses have the opportunity to grow and succeed together. We're supporting initiatives to train and develop our workforce, make housing more affordable and attainable in our region, and promote opportunities available to our graduates.

Southwest Missouri is nested in the heart of the beautiful Ozarks, with access to many natural and man-made amenities. We want to champion private-public partnership to develop and preserve key real estate for the benefit of current and future generations.

We're collaborating with local stakeholders and partners to craft branding that raises the region’s profile, attracts future employers, residents, and workers, and inspires continued investment and growth.